Training / Communications Blog

We blog weekly about training and communications. If our posts strike a chord of elephantine proportions, do comment – we love a good conversation.

media training Glasgow Edinburgh Debenhams

“Gossips”: Debenhams’ bizarre statement

Debenhams’ bizarre media statement failed to inspire much confidence in shareholders, and may do long-term damage. Here are the four mistakes made – and how you can avoid doing the same with your crisis communications.

13th September 2018

presentation skills training Glasgow a fresh start

Presentation skills 101: A fresh start

How do you create a fresh presentation every time? How can you use the time before you speak to your advantage? Here are three clear ways of engaging your audience immediately.

5th September 2018

Salmond Sturgeon media training Glasgow Edinburgh

The battle for the moral high ground

Salmond and Sturgeon. As political allies, they were a formidable duo. As opponents, a fascinating match-up. Here’s how to use the Moral High Ground when defending a position and analysis of both the current and former First Ministers’ performances.

29th August 2018

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Build Your Confidence

Some media trainers knock you down…and leave you down. Our media coaches show you how to deal with each knock…and still win through. So you have the presentation skills to perform – with confidence.

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