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Voice Training Scotland: how we can help

In the last year, I’ve noticed a real uptick in enquiries for voice training Scotland courses.

I believe the Covid-19 pandemic is the leading culprit.


Because many people lost confidence in how they present.

So how can you build that self-belief back?

It’s all about giving you some tools, tips and techniques you can use each and every day.

Here are four areas we’ll explore to help you find your voice again.

1. Press pause

ted talk training, walk or stand, colin stone holds ipad on stage, voice training scotland

This is something I believe we can all do.

Be comfortable with silence.

There are two places to pause:

  1. Before you begin answering a question
  2. When you’re midway through speaking and are unsure of where to go

However, in both these situations, speakers typically make the wrong choice:

  1. We begin answering before we’ve thought of our answer
  2. We fill the gaps with ‘ehh’ and ‘umm’

A silent pause is far more effective.

It also demonstrates your confidence to an audience.

2. Find the frequency

using your voice, the three dials, pink elephant comms, voice training scotland

This is all about using the right tone.

If you’re excited about what you’re sharing, sound excited.

If you’re sorry about something that’s gone wrong, be sorry.

This becomes an issue when the tone fails to match the words.

We’ve said how “thrilled” we are to share the new update, but we sound bored.

Or we’ve admitted we’re disappointed with sales, but the sentence was upbeat.

It gives the audience a problem: do we believe you?

Make sure your tone matches what you’re saying.

3. Speak up

This is where your diaphragm comes in.

It’s a muscle that sits underneath your ribs.

It’s what allows you to project your voice.

By that I mean: to speak loudly without shouting.

That’s projection.

If you’re someone who uses their voice almost constantly in work, find your diaphragm.

It’ll help you to raise the volume of your voice without hurting your throat.

4. Slow down

nick sheridan asks a question on camera, voice training scotland

This holds the key to mastering your voice.

I’ve met hundreds of people who speak too quickly.

When our pace creeps up, we lose control over our words.

We use filler phrases. We deliver long, complicated sentences.

So do this instead: slow down.

Really slow down.

Choose every word you use.

Take back control by reining in the pace.

Voice Training Scotland: how to book

voice training scotland, andrew mcfarlan stands in front of camera

It’s simple.

Email me.

I’ll let you know our available dates and a range of costs, depending on what you’re looking for.

We can run this course from our Glasgow studios, your offices, or online.

It’s time to find your voice again. 


Colin Stone is Pink Elephant’s Communications Lead and Voice Coach.

Read more about him here.


Photos in Voice Training Scotland blog by Pink Elephant Communications.
Voice Training Scotland blog
written by Colin Stone.
Voice Training Scotland blog
edited by Maxine Montgomery. 

30th August 2023 Featured in: Blog, Our courses blogs By:

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